SERAC-Bangladesh organized the Bangladesh 3rd National Youth Conference on Family Planning on 4 – 5 December 2018, at Krishibid Institution in Dhaka in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), UKAID, IYAFP, Right Here Right Now Bangladesh platform, Jhpiego, and RTM International.

A number of plenary sessions and concurrent capacity-building workshops were organized in the annual two days long event. The Chief Guest of the opening ceremony was Secretary of Health Services and Medical Education GM Saleh Uddin, and the closing ceremony was UNFPA-Bangladesh’s Chief of Health Dr. Sathya Doraiswamy.

Representatives and heads of organizations from the Dutch Embassy in Dhaka, Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, University of Dhaka, Jhpiego, RTM International, Marie Stopes Bangladesh, Health21, Ipas, Directorate General of Family Planning, Bandhu, UBR Alliance, Plan International, and nursing colleges were present during different sessions of the conference.

More than 300 youth delegates and high-level policymakers appeared to commit to reducing the unmet need for family planning services and commodities among adolescents and youth in Bangladesh and also strengthen the partnership between stakeholders to ensure youth voices are at the heart of health services.