SERAC-Bangladesh initiated the Bangladesh 1st National Youth Conference on Family Planning (BNYCFP 2016) on September 6, 2016, and it was followed by six other successful conferences (BNYCFP2017, BNYCFP2018, BNYCFP2019, BNYCFP2020, BNYCFP2021 and BNYCFP2022) in Dhaka claiming to be the largest youth focused annual event on SRHR in the country. Following the huge successes in the past seven seasons of this National Youth Conference focusing on family planning, SRHR, and health issues of young people, we are delighted to announce the Bangladesh 8th National Youth Conference on Family Planning this year on 3rd and 4th October, 2023 in Dhaka.
About 500+ young people are expected to join as National Youth Delegates across the country who are affiliated with a youth organizations/educational institutions/SRHR and Family Planning organizations.
The conference is expected to be attended by The Honorable Ministers, MPs, High Level Government officials from multiple ministries and departments, UN officials, national and International health experts, academicians, NGOs, advocates, and active youth representatives from across the country.
Application form open till: 31st July, 2023
For more information, reach the BNYCFP2023 secretariat:
Conference Hotline: +8801780031232, +8801728960881