SERAC-Bangladesh is more recognized as a youth led organization and one of its major focus is on capacity development of disadvantaged young people, especially young women and children. Under this wing SERAC has been implementing a number of projects for the last one decade and two of our featured projects are:

1. Economic Development of Disadvantaged Slum Youth (EDDSY):

EDDSY was a youth challenge grant by UNHABITAT Youth Fund and it was one of the 52 global projects nominated in 2010. Under this project SERAC trained up 50 unemployed and hardcore poor slum living young women in Mymensingh municipality area who could then make recycled paper made goods and it made them able to contribute in their families. EDDSY was completed in 2012 while SERAC-Bangladesh still continues with the training program with other supports.

2. Paribartan:?

?Paribartan? stands for the Bengali word ?Change?. Full name of this project is-Changing lifestyles of disadvantaged women through capacity development. It aims to reduce inequality and poverty by training 50 women in the production of recycled goods and their sale (old papers, pen, used rags, plastic, cloth waste, beads, jute etc.). The idea of Paribartan won the EarthTalent Award in 2013 and supported by the Bollore Group, based in France. The is basically a reinvestment of an existing project previously funded by the UNHABITAT Youth Fund. For more information please visit the Project’s Page here !