SERAC-Bangladesh Executive Director S M Shaikat speaks at the 69th UN General Assembly side event youth panel on MDGs 4, 5 &6 in NY

Aligned with the Bangladesh Constitution Article 15 a, and the UN Millennium Development Goals SERAC-Bangladesh is a leading youth organization working on access to health services and preventive health issues in Bangladesh and beyond. In recent years it was actively engaged and kept strong representations at both national and global levels on post-2015 dialogues happening around. SERAC has been working as a partner of My World UN global survey in Bangladesh. It promotes meaningful participation of young people and their lift their voices at national and international levels.






In connection with youth voice raising on population dynamics and future policy planning, SERAC-Bangladesh contributed in a number of global forums including the ICPD Global Youth Forum 2012 in Indonesia, and SERAC executive director S M Shaikat moderated the 11th International Dialogue on Population and Development in Berlin, 2013. Still it is working in country and regional level to promote the? best policies for youth to be reflected at the Sustainable Development Goals beyond 2015.

S M Shaikat presented youth participation paper at the ICPD Global Youth Forum 2012 in Indonesia

S M Shaikat moderated the Bangladesh Country Working Group at the 11th International Dialogue on Population and Development in Berlin, 2013


SERAC-Bangladesh is leading the Action/2015 campaign in Bangladesh in coalition with World Vision and couple of other organizations. SERAC is mobilizing youth, children and women in the country to raise voices on post-2015 sustainable development goals and their choices.

The campaign project shall run during January to March/2015. For details please visit, The Action/2015 Project.