Access to SRHR for Young Women
This initiative is designed to be implemented in two sub-districts (Mymensingh Sadar and Netrokona Sadar) targeting adolescent girls and young women. This initiative is designed to work on improving the service quality of 20 selected public and private facilities in the area of SRHR and post abortion care services.
Due to availability of quality services at the sub-districts of Mymensingh & Netrokona, people from other areas visit here for any health concerns. So SERAC has selected these two area based on heavy client flow at the facilities and to work on improving the quality of services as well as implement the amendment of Private Medical College Establishment and Operation Rules 2011 at the private health facilities in these two sub-districts to sensitize the service providers through capacity strengthening training and community mobilization to ensure provision of convenient services in a friendly and comfortable environment. Additionally, to strengthen the service provision, safe sexual & reproductive health awareness development, digital platforms will be utilized to help the individual to locate nearby friendly healthcare facilities.
Beside this, an advocacy will be conducted at both sub-district and national level to support the un-privileged clients. This advocacy will include DGFP and DGHS officials, Private facility authorities, Bangladesh Private Medical College Association (BPMCA) officials and other relevant stakeholders to ensure a fruitful implementation of this policy.