Improving Sexual & Reproductive Health and Rights in Dhaka

SERAC-Bangladesh in partnership with Ipas Bangladesh implementing this project funded by Global Affairs Canada through HealthBridge Foundation in Canada to improve availability and access of quality SRHR services particularly family planning, MR and Post-abortion care (PAC) services for poor and ultra-poor women and adolescents living urban areas of greater Dhaka. The project will also work to reduce SGBV by creating awareness among city dwellers. To ensure uninterrupted SRHR services during any public health emergency including COVID-19 pandemic, the project will also work for emergency preparedness and responses. The five-year project will be implemented from now till March 2026 in collaborate with city corporations’ health authorities and their health programs, DGFP and DGHS, BGMEA and other stakeholders and partners.

Project location: Dhaka North and South City Corporation, and surrounding areas of Dhaka city

Project period: September-2021 to March-2026

Project Updates

Learning Across Communities: Youth SRHR Champions’ Visit to Cox Bazar

SERAC-Bangladesh has organized a SRHR in Learning Visit for the 3rd and 4th batch 16 Youth SRHR Champions at Cox Bazar on 16-20 November 2024. The visit was focused on how other NGOs and volunteers in Rohingya Communities are working with the same objective as Improving SRHR in Dhaka project. On the 1st day they […]

Empowering Communities Through Visual Storytelling: The Community Photovoice Exhibition

In a world where stories can inspire change, empower individuals, and build bridges across communities, SERAC-Bangladesh has taken a groundbreaking step to amplify the voices of the unheard. In collaboration with #IpasBangladesh and under the #ISRHRD project, funded by Global Affairs Canada through HealthBridge Foundation of Canada, the Community Photovoice Exhibition became a transformative platform […]

Community Connectivity Meeting

SERAC-Bangladesh under Improving SRHR in Dhaka project has 1056 volunteers who are working as Projonon Shasthya Bondhu in 120 different areas in Dhaka North and South City Corporation. As they are working on sensitive issues like sexual and reproductive health and sexual and gender-based violence, so there may arise some issues in dealing with the […]

Monthly Progress Review Meeting with Peer Group Mentor: Field Update and Progress

The monthly progress review meetings serve as a critical touchpoint for assessing our fieldwork, addressing challenges, and keeping the momentum of our initiatives going. In every month, we have the opportunity to meet with my peer group mentor to discuss the strides we’ve made and the areas where we can improve for community support in […]

Networking to Enhance Easy Access to SRH Services: GP and Volunteers Networking Meeting

SERAC-Bangladesh is working to promote easy access to sexual and reproductive health services under the Improving SRHR in Dhaka project by developing networking between General Practitioners (GP) and Projonon Shasthya Bondhus of the Community Action Groups (CAGs). 120 CAGs work in 120 different areas, and each team is connected with 1 GP of their respective […]

Amplifying Voices: The Transformative Power of the Community Photovoice Exhibition

In a world where stories have the power to inspire change, uplift voices, and foster unity, SERAC-Bangladesh has introduced a transformative initiative to amplify marginalized voices. In collaboration with #IpasBangladesh and funded by Global Affairs Canada through the HealthBridge Foundation of Canada, the Community Photovoice Exhibition under the #ISRHRD project has become a groundbreaking platform. […]

Exchange and Learning: Volunteer Sharing Meeting to Reflect on Visit Insights

On December 17, 2024, SERAC-Bangladesh hosted an Exchange-Sharing Meeting with volunteers at Krishibid Institution Bangladesh as part of the Improving SRHR in Dhaka Project. The event was both a celebration and an opportunity for volunteers to exchange experiences and insights with their peers, the Projonon Shasthya Bondhus. The gathering saw participation from 101 youth volunteers […]

Educating Community People on SRH Issues

SERAC-Bangladesh is working under the Improving SRHR in Dhaka project to increase the use of SRH services that uphold the rights of women and adolescent girls and are responsive to the needs of underserved and vulnerable communities living in urban areas of Dhaka city. It is aimed to improve availability and accessibility to quality SRH […]

Social Media Content Development Workshop

SERAC-Bangladesh with the support of Ipas Bangladesh has developed social media handles for the Improving SRHR in Dhaka project that includes a Facebook page, Instagram Page, and YouTube channel. A social media guideline has been developed to create appropriate content and run these handles properly. There have been 18 workshops organized till November 2024 by […]