Under this project, SERAC-Bangladesh is implementing advocacy initiatives under AFP project, led by Marie Stopes Bangladesh with an aim to promote quality FP services and to increase access of the clients, especially women and girls in Bangladesh. The project has set its advocacy objectives based on the current situation and priority needs to provide quality FP services. To achieve its goal, the project has been implementing some significant advocacy objectives like resource allocation by the local government to improve family planning services, involvement of private medical college in providing FP service, introduce of new tools in national FP curriculum, introduced monitoring tool to track the expenditure of Union Councils and budget tracking for effective utilization of DGFP allocated fund at national level.
Furthermore, it has adopted a unique advocacy approach that is AFP SMART and its mandate to sustain the project outcome by ensuring local ownership. Thereby, collective effort is the key approach in doing advocacy initiatives.
Considering the learning and context, the project is working to gather more evidence and empower local organizations/community people by creating space for their participation in the planning and monitoring process of FP programs and services.