Connecting with Community: Promoting SRH Call Center for Service Accessibility

Seeking sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services is still a taboo especially among low socioeconomic communities. Our adolescent girls and women still depend on the man of their family for purchasing commodities or taking consultation from the doctor and the pharmacy. Besides, doctors may not always be available at their chambers. But to ensure smooth service provision, SERAC Bangladesh in collaboration with Ipas Bangladesh has started promoting the SRH call center 09613-656666 through pasting stickers in the communities. 
Till now Projonon Shasthya Bondhu has facilitated 17 number of sticker campaigns in 1,798 households including project catchment areas. Such initiative has created an opportunity for the community people, especially adolescent girls and women to access the SRH services directly while their privacy is ensured, and they need not to depend on others.