Youth representation in the form it takes today is often tokenistic – one young person is made symbolic of all youth voices and expected to input from time to time on matters presented to them. Youth who have access to opportunities are rarely representative of the diversity of youth voices and identities that exist in society today. Young people need to be engaged, in a meaningful and purposeful manner. This necessarily involves giving young people access to platforms to voice their opinions, build networks, nurture solidarities for collective action, and most importantly, see themselves reflected as key stakeholders in the process of decision making on their own needs.
Connecting to this, SERAC Bangladesh partnering with IPPF South Asia Region and Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB) is going to organize SRHR Youth Conclave 2022 on June 07, 2022, with the presence of SRHR potential stakeholders, Government officials and Youth experts around the country. The event will offer a prime platform for a cross-section of youth to meet with each other in one place and exchange ideas, share learning, engage with media and government officials to generate conversations, and develop advocacy objectives for SRHR.
The goal of the national Youth and SRHR conclave is to sow the seed of youth-led and youth-centered advocacy and programming on SRHR in the region. By doing so, the aim is to:
– Offer a national platform for young people to self-represent, collaborate, and discuss SRHR in ways that matter to them,
– Develop a national level advocacy agenda on young people’s SRHR issues that is articulated by young people themselves, and
– Facilitate the coming together of various stakeholders interested in ensuring youth and adolescents’ access to SRHR, building avenues for partnership and future collaboration.
For any inquiry about the conclave, please reach email to: