SERAC-Bangladesh developed SBCC Materials to increase awareness on SRH services

SERAC Bangladesh, organized a consultation meeting with the Directorate General of Family Planning to develop a cheat sheet for the facilities.” at Mymensingh on 09th June 2024.

The meeting was inaugurated by SM Shaikat, Executive Director of SERAC-Bangladesh and conducted by Md. Salim Miah, Deputy Director, SERAC-Bangladesh. The meeting chaired by Kazi Mahfuzul Karim, Deputy Director, District Family Planning Office in Mymensingh. The chief guest was Marzia Haque, Divisional Director of the District Family Planning Office, Mymensingh.

Special guests included Md. Moniruzzaman Khan, Deputy Director of the District Family Planning Office, Netrokona; Dr. Avijit Loha, Deputy Civil Surgeon Office, Mymensingh, Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Assistant Director of the District Family Planning Office, Mymensingh; Nazmur Roushan Sumel, Upazila Family Planning Officer, Divisional Family Planning Office, Mymensingh; Md. Mahadi Hasan Khan, Upazila Family Planning Officer, Mymensingh; Rafiqul Islam, Upazila Family Planning Officer, Netrokona; Dr. Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Joy, Medical Officer at the Civil Surgeon Office, Netrokona; Md. Moyeen Uddin Raihan, News Editor of Daily Shobuj; and community leaders and youth representatives from the relevant areas. 

The meeting discussion highlighted the importance of BCC (Behavior Change Communication) materials and SRH mobile applications related to reproductive health, which aim to provide accurate information and help women and adolescents identify friendly health centers, thereby improving access to quality health services.

Recommendations for awareness-raising and coordinated promotional efforts were discussed. A total of 6,000 sets of cheat sheets and BCC materials developed based on the Bangladesh SRHR and Post-Abortion Care (PAC) Services Guidelines. These materials will help address sensitive questions for service recipients and will be distributed among targeted beneficiaries and stakeholders, including service providers in 20 public and private facilities and beneficiaries of outreach campaigns.

The meeting concluded with an agreement on the development of the cheat sheet to provide clear information about the quality of services and SRH/PAC facilities.

During the meeting, it was discussed that the BCC materials and mobile applications related to SRH would provide accurate information and help people identify friendly health centers, thereby increasing access to necessary health services. The discussion also included recommendations on awareness-raising and coordinated efforts for effective solution.