Call for Sessions/Workshops at BNYCFP2017

Academic institutions, research organizations, NGOs, youth organizations, regional and international organizations are strongly invited to submit proposals on sessions/workshops at the BNYCFP2017 coordinating with the conference themes and topics.

The proposals should be based on their relevance to the key conference themes:

  1. Addressing Youth Needs and Involvement in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights advocacy and programs
  2. Advancing Family Planning & Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights through Youth Organizations
  3. FP2020 Progresses and Challenges
  4. Youth Access to Reproductive Health Commodities and demand generation
  5. Youth Friendly Sexual and Reproductive Health services

Instructions for submitting a session/workshop:

1. Authors should submit an session outline via the session submission page online.

Organizations will be asked to classify their submissions to one of the five conference themes.

2. All submissions must be written in English. Session titles proposed for may be negotiated after selection.
3. Proposals must include a clear description of the topic, methods and expected outcomes.
4. Organizations proposing a session/workshop should do so with the intention to attend the conference. Presenters are expected to cover their own registration fee, travel and other costs.
5 You may submit up to two sessions. Please note, the costs associated with the sessions must be borne by the proposing organization. It will be finalized through a negotiation process after selection of the session.

Session submission link:

Deadline for submission: 27 September, 2017 (11.59 pm Bangladesh time)


Session proposals will be reviewed by the following criteria:
Originality, contained significant innovation 20%
Quality, Significantly advanced evidence base for addressing family planning and SRHR needs 25%
Importance, Directly addressed key themes for conference 25%
Methodology, Clear and youth friendly methodology 30%

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