Community Connectivity Meeting

SERAC-Bangladesh under Improving SRHR in Dhaka project has 1056 volunteers who are working as Projonon Shasthya Bondhu in 120 different areas in Dhaka North and South City Corporation. As they are working on sensitive issues like sexual and reproductive health and sexual and gender-based violence, so there may arise some issues in dealing with the community people. 

Our SBCC Officers organize community connectivity meetings in different areas based on their needs with an aim to discuss the volunteers’ challenges working in their respective communities, managing their volunteer team, need for any logistics related to the project, networking with their respective general practitioner (GP) and if any other issues they have. SERAC has organized 201 community connectivity meetings till December 2024. The project is technically supported by Ipas Bangladesh and funded by Global Affairs Canada via the HealthBridge Foundation of Canada. 

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