Consultant (Documentation and knowledge management)
Terms of Reference
SERAC-Bangladesh is implementing a project on family planning advocacy, which is under operation since 2016 in Bangladesh with an aim to create access to quality Family Planning services in Bangladesh. The project adopted a unique SMART Advocacy approach to achieve its goal. Thereby, the project has some significant outcomes, success and has challenges. The project will be ended in December 2022, and it is essential to document all the processes of the entire project including success stories, learning and project completion reports. The main purpose of the documentation is to share best practices, Advocacy approaches and recommendations for the stakeholders and archive the entire process as learning material.
With this understanding, the project has planned to assign the entire task to an expert to accomplish the entire assignment. As an implementing organization SERAC-Bangladesh is taking the initiative to recruit a consultant for the task.
Brief description of the Project
The project is being implemented with an aim to promote quality FP service and to increase access of the clients, especially women and girls in Bangladesh. The project set its advocacy issues based on the current situation and priority needs to provide FP quality services. Furthermore, it has adopted a unique Advocacy SMART approach to sustain the project outcome by ensuring local ownership. The project has been implementing its activities in Dhaka, Khulna, Bagerhat, Satkhira, Barishal, Potuakhali, Bhola, Mymensingh, Netrokona and Kishorgonj. Furthermore, a collective approach is the key concept of the project, thereby in each district, the project formed a district advocacy working group consisting of local people. They are actively supporting to carry out the advocacy initiatives. The ultimate outcome of the initiative is to sustain the group and advocacy initiatives for improving quality FP services and increasing access to women and girls in Bangladesh.
February 1 – December 31, 2022
Scope of work:
Job Responsibilities:
Other required key experience:
This position is part time, and the remuneration is determined as per project policy.
Working modality:
Based in Dhaka with up to 40% field visits.
Please apply here:
by January 25, 2022.