Rajshahi Content Development Workshop

SERAC-Bangladesh has recently initiated the “Knowledge SUCCESS” project supported by USAID and Johns Hopkins University to create audiovisual materials on family planning and SRH awareness for adolescents in five districts of the country with the coordination of the Directorate General of Family Planning. As part of the program activity, ‘Rajshahi Content Development Workshop’ was held on 25 June, 2023.

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The event commenced with a welcome address and introduction by Mr. Md. Salim Miah, Assistant Director (Program) of SERAC-Bangladesh. Ms. Nusrat Sharmin Resma, Senior Program Officer of SERAC-Bangladesh, presented a brief of the project background and demonstrated the implementation process of the program.

The session was moderated Mr. SM Shaikat, the Executive Director of SERAC-Bangladesh. Mr. Enamul Haque, Divisional Director of Family Planning, Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi, Dr. Kasturi Amina Queen, Deputy Director, Family Planning, Rajshahi, Mosa. Rafiun Nahar Assistant Director, Family Planning, Rajshahi, Dr. Md. Amiruzzaman, Associate Professor, Department of Drama, Rajshahi University, and Mr. Waliur Rahman Babu, Chairman, CCD Bangladesh, was also present at the event.

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Mosa. Rafiun Nahar, Assistant Director, Family Planning, Rajshahi, highlighted the innovative ‘Puthi’ developed by SERAC-Bangladesh and stated, “Due to various reasons, there are limitations in disseminating awareness-related information at all levels. These creative audiovisual tools created by SERAC-Bangladesh will further expedite our programs”.

Dr. Md. Amiruzzaman, Associate Professor in the Department of Drama at Rajshahi University, stated, “The regional identity of Rajshahi can be fully expressed by incorporating it into various types of songs. Furthermore, it is possible to consider how other traditions can be harmonized based on the opinions of the youth”.

Waliur Rahman Babu, Chairman of CCDB (Coastal Community Development Bangladesh), praised all the ongoing activities of SERAC-Bangladesh and stated, “Through such initiatives, the youth of Rajshahi are gaining awareness and skills.” He requested the Family Planning Department to take the initiative to ensure the continuity of this innovative program in collaboration with
SERAC-Bangladesh and other non-governmental development organizations.
In the keynote speech, Mr. Enamul Haque, Divisional Director of Family Planning, Rajshahi Division, Rajshahi, stated, “At various times, we have been adopting the step of creating awareness through technical means, which sometimes becomes challenging for the community members to comprehend. By prioritizing the regional language of SERAC-Bangladesh, the project aims to make information accessible and easily available to the youth in all regions.”

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The chairperson of the event, Dr. Kasturi Amina Queen, Deputy Director (Program) of Family Planning, Rajshahi Division, stated, “Rajshahi is a city renowned for its culture. The Family Planning Department will actively collaborate to explore innovative ways to develop content in this region.”

The event was attended by Mr. Mahamudul Hasan Shishir, Regional Coordinator of SERAC-Bangladesh, as well as several members of Rajshahi City Youth Council’s Task Force and students from various colleges and universities of Rajshahi.

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