An oil tanker carrying around 350,000 litres of oil capsized on the Shele River in the Sundarbans early Tuesday morning, threatening the world’s largest mangrove ecosystem which is also a Unesco World Heritage Site, Bangladesh media is reporting. This is the first big oil disaster in the Sunderbans. According to latest reports the oil slick has spread around 25 kms. threatening the fragile ecosystem. Every day, the tide carries seawater in and then out. This process will further spread the oil slick. The Shele River is a sanctuary for two sweetwater dolphins, both endangered – the Irawaddy and Ganga dolphins.
Demanding necessary steps to stop spreading out in more areas and recovering the situation with ecologically tested solution immediately, SERAC-Bangladesh, Youth Coalition for Climate Justice (YCCJ) and Oronudoyer Torn Dal are jointly hosting a demonstration in front of the National Press Club in Dhaka on December 15, 2014.
Everyone is invited to join us !
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