Young people are one of the key stakeholders of sustainable development goals (SDGs) framed by the United Nations. In the first week of August-2015 the final draft has been accepted by the member states and the text included numerous mention about youth and importance in implementation of SDGs at national and local levels. On the eve of the International Youth Day 2015, SERAC-Bangladesh along with Action/2015 Bangladesh organized a campaign in Dhaka, and Mymensingh to raise awareness and enhance opinions from young people how they can and want to take part in planning, implementing the upcoming SGDs along with the government and development NGOs at both national and local levels. Organizers informed youngsters? about the 17 goals of SGDs and their importance in the context of Bangladesh, and how they can become catalyst in implementing them at field levels. Young people wrote their opinions and pledges on placards and discussed these issues in a study circle.
Campaigners including SERAC-Bangladesh’s Assistant Director (Program) Pulak Roy, Project Officer Barkatullah Bhuiyan, Program officer Fatema Khatoon, Assistant Program Officer Sabilatul Jannat Shamoly were present at Mymensingh event and Jisan Mahmud, Assistant Program Officer moderated the Dhaka event in Wednesday. Hundreds of Students, and young volunteers joined the campaign in both Dhaka and Mymensingh.