GP and Youth Leaders Networking Meeting of Kamrangirchar area is successfully done under Improving SRHR in Dhaka project, technical supported by HealthBridge Foundation of Canada, funded by Canada’s Foreign Policy—Global Affairs Canada. This was the fifth meeting, where 8 volunteers and the GP of those areas attended. The meeting was organized by SERAC-Bangladesh in Upanushthanik Primary School- BRAC School, (উপানুষ্ঠানিক প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় ব্র্যাক স্কুল), Alinagar, Kamrangirchor, Ashrafabad, Dhaka on 28 June 2022 (11:0 am- 12:30 pm).
The aim of this metting was to introduce the volunteers with the General Practitioner to discuss the roles and responsibility of volunteers, update on community group formation and to develop coordination among GP and volunteers for working in the community.
#SERAC_Bangladesh #ISRHRD #IpasBangladesh #GAC #HealthBridge