SERAC-Bangladesh is working to promote easy access to sexual and reproductive health services under the Improving SRHR in Dhaka project by developing networking between General Practitioners (GP) and Projonon Shasthya Bondhus of the Community Action Groups (CAGs). There are 120 CAGs working in 120 different areas and each team is connected with 1 GP of their respective area. A networking meeting with each team’s respective GP is arranged after the orientation of the Projonon Shasthya Bondhu.
SERAC-Bangladesh has organized 1916 GP and Volunteers networking meetings till August 2024. The aim of this meeting was to introduce the volunteers with the General Practitioner to discuss the roles and responsibility of volunteers, update on community group formation and to develop coordination among GP and volunteers for working in the community. Also, these meetings enhance easy access to sexual and reproductive health information and services for the community mass people. The project is technically supported by Ipas Bangladesh and funded by Global Affairs Canada via HealthBridge Foundation of Canada.
#SERAC_Bangladesh #ISRHRD #IpasBangladesh #GAC #HealthBridge