Orientation on RHRN Objectives with Youth Representatives


Youth to be brought in the Center of SRHR, SOGIE, CSE and policies Agenda: Speakers at the RHRN platforms: SERAC-Bangladesh organized the Youth Participation on RHRN objectives on 26th April, 2018, Thursday at CBCB Centre, Mohammadpur, Dhaka

Two plenary sessions and one workshop were hosted  in the day long orientation program. The discussants including National Coordinator of RHRN platform, Saeda Bilkis Bani,  Md. Anisuzzaman, Bandhu Welfare Society, Dr. Joynal Haque, Program Manager, MCH service unit, Dr. Abu Jamil Faisel, Health 21, Dr. Abu Sayed Hasan Technical Officer of UNFPA, Dr. Mili Islam from UNFPA, S M Shaikat, Executive Director of SERAC-Bangladesh, Professor Kaniz Sayed Binte Sabah, Principal, Govt. Teachers’ Training College, Dhaka, Jisan Mahmud, Assistant Director (Program) of SERAC-Bangladesh attended the event.


Program Manager of MCH, Directorate General of Family Planning, Dr. Jaynal Haque said, The government is committed to provide sexual and reproductive health services to youth and adolescents, and in its next five years plan the DGFP will ensure to expand and improve the SRHR as well as youth friendly services.

A young mother, Israt Jahan, who attended the event said, ‘I have been embarrassed to talk about sexual health for a long time.  Everyone opened up to discuss issues like sex education and family planning, comprehensive sexuality education and ensure more opportunities  for transgender, which are usually considered ‘inappropriate’ for normal societal life. From now on, I would no longer shy talking about these facts as well as to join with my little baby boy.”


The RHRN platform organizations- including Bandhu, Naripokkho, and BRAC education program representatives attended the event to share their activities and thoughts with the youths and to engage them more with the platform.

Speakers stressed about including young people at the heart of every discussion around policies and programs on sexual and reproductive health and rights, and implementation of Sustainable Development Goals on reproductive health rights, providing comprehensive sexuality education and ensuring transgender rights, identity and respect as well.

This orientation program has a background of organizing several RHRN related events, capacity building workshops for platform members and conferences on different perspectives of SRHR.

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