Orientation Workshop on MR, PAC, FP, and SGBV

Sexual and Gender Based Violence is important to address in the context of women and adolescent girls in Bangladesh. Under the Improving SRHR in Dhaka project, the key terminologies and definitions related to Sexual and gender based violence( SGBV) are addessred through community based approach aligned with project objective. 

The orientation training was arranged with the presence of partners of SERAC-Bangladesh, BAPSA, OGSB and RHSTEP. Several factors were addressed to make single track for all the partners so that everyone will be on the same track, including harmful traditional practice, and psyhological, economical, physical and sexual violences with concrete tracking and monitoring process, to create awareness among the target groups- Women and adolescent girls about this forms and the way of promoting FP rights, services abd information in te community, acquainted the modern contraceptive methods (Information and Access) especially permanent & long acting method to decrease the maternal death, facts between menstrual regulation and safe sbortion facilities with skilled hands according to the country perspectives and legislative apoproach, women centric  comprehensive abortion care includes post abortion care.

#SERAC_Bangladesh #ISRHRD #IpasBangladesh #GAC #HealthBridge

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