09613-656666, Improving SRHR in Dhaka project introduced an SRHR-call center for community people to access SRHR services from the distance place as tele-counseling or tele-medicine process, where SERAC Bangladesh is playing a pivotal role to promote the call center number to the community people by ‘Projonon Shasthya Bondhu’. Through this, community people can access the services from their home anonymously or even if they provide the contact details to the doctors, proper privacy and confidentiality of the information will be assured. So that community people feel more comfortable to take services and be encouraged to promote widely in their community.
With that note, a sticker campaign has been arranged to celebrate International Women’s Day 2024 in 18 GP catchment areas with the support of peer group mentors and youth leaders, where they pasted the stickers in different visual areas in their communities as well as spread the information through community discussion, where needed.
Apart from this, 1090 volunteers called ‘Projonon Shasthya Bondhu’ are promoting the call center details through knowledge sharing sessions to the community support groups, different day celebrations, school campaigns and community campaigns.
#ISRHRD #SERAC_Bangladesh #Projonon_Shasthya_Bondhu #Call_center #IWD2024