Recognized Youth SRHR Champions and Learning Visit in Cox’s Bazar

SERAC-Bangladesh has organized a SRHR in Learning Visit for the 2nd batch 8 Youth SRHR Champions at Cox’s Bazar on 16-18 January 2024. The visit was focused on how other NGOs and volunteers in outside Dhaka areas are working with the same objective as Improving SRHR in Dhaka project has. On the 1st day they visited the partner organization office and had a briefing about the Rohingya sessions, life leading condition of Rohingya community, service facilities for the community people and how and what level NGOs are contributed to the Rohingya community. Youth SRHR Champions shared how they start working as Projonon Shasthya Bondhu under SERAC-Bangladesh’s Improving SRHR in Dhaka project through receiving orientation on family planning, post abortion care, pubertal changes, health and hygiene and community engagement strategies and how they arrange community sessions and what are the referral system in Dhaka city that they are working on under this project.

On the 2nd day, they visited health facilities at the host community and Rohingya Camp. They observed how and what types of SRH services are given to the Rohingya community and how their challenges are addressed and treated properly including the FP and PAC services. 

On the 3rd day of the learning visit, they visited different campaigns and sessions, such as session for outreach workers, sessions for religious leaders, session for new-married couples and others. 

With the 8 Youth SRHR Champions Munia Akter, Arif Ahmed Joy, Md. Rabiul Awal, Mehenaz Alam Rima, Nupur Akter, Md. Rafsan, Tahrin Akter and Golam Morshed. Besides, SERAC-Bangladesh’s Executive Director- SM Shaikat, Ipas’s Project director- Dr. Ziaul Ahsan, Advisor (project Coordination)- Dr. Sushmita Ahmed, SERAC’s Program Manager- Tasnia Ahmed, SBCC Officer- Khadija Kalam were also present at the visit.

Youth SRHR Champions shared the differences between types of services for women and girls, awareness about reproductive health, how both men and women are engaged in Dhaka and Mymensingh area. The project is technically supported by Ipas Bangladesh and funded by Global Affairs Canada via HealthBridge Foundation of Canada.

#SERAC_Bangladesh #ISRHRD #IpasBangladesh #GAC #HealthBridge

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