The Knowledge SUCCESS project has been wrapped-up with ‘National Level Dissemination Meeting’ organized by SERAC-Bangladesh on April 16, 2024 at the conference room of IEM unit, DGFP. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Mir Sajedur Rahman, Director (IEM) & Line Director (IEC), Directorate General of Family Planning. The chief guest of the meeting was Ms. Shahan Ara Banu, ndc, Directorate General (Grade-1), Directorate General of Family Planning.
Other distinguished guests including Dr. Md. Munirujjaman Siddique, Director (MCH-RH), MCH unit of Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP); Dr. Farid Uddin, Line Director CCSDP, of DGFP; Mr. Biplob Barua, Director (Finance) of DGFP; Dr. Md. Manjur Hossain, PM (ASRH), MCH-S unit of DGFP; Ms. Asma Hasan, Deputy Director (PM), IEM unit of DGFP; Mr. Md. Naser Uddin, Editor cam Translator, IEM unit, DGFP; Mr. Mohammad Hossain, Script Writer, IEM Unit of DGFP; Dr. Abu Jamil Faisel, CSO Focal Point, FP2030; Mr. Kazi Mamun, Technical Officer, UNFPA; Mr. Manik Miaze, Special Corresponded, Channel TT; Mr. Md. Ziaul Islam, Newsroom Editor, The Samakal; Mr. Sumon Islam, Channel TT; Youth representative Ms. Sumia Akter Mim, Student, Eden Mohila college and Mr. Nobi Nauaj Sakib, Student, Govt. Tolaram College was present.
Mr. Md. Salim Miah, Deputy Director (Program) of SERAC-Bangladesh has made the opening remarks and introduction. Afterwards, Ms. Nusrat Sharmin Resma, Senior Program Officer of SERAC-Bangladesh presented a brief overview of the project background and demonstrated the implementation process of the program.
The contents were well praised by all the distinguished guests presented there. They also discussed how the content can be demonstrated widely throughout the country. The Chief Guest of the meeting Ms. Shahan Ara Banu, ndc, Directorate General (Grade-1), Directorate General of Family Planning said, “After independence we have achieved the MDG targets through many struggles. We all have to work closely to uphold the milestone ahead. These contents are considered as a gift from SERAC-Bangladesh which is very much appreciated. I believe this innovation will reach more adolescents in providing convenient access to family planning information.” She also advised the other Directors of the Family Planning Department to take forward this discussion in their Operational Plan (OP) formation meeting also including in 5th Sector Plan that how these kinds of SBCC materials can be used from central to grassroot.
The chair of the meeting Mr. Mir Sajedur Rahman, Director (IEM) & Line Director (IEC), Directorate General of Family Planning said, “In this era of digitalization, the innovation of SERAC-Bangladesh will remake to the next step that how family planning and health information can be brought in hand of mass people. But the success of the objective of the project depends on how we can utilize and demonstrate the SBCC materials in a top to down approach. We have to adopt a more effective plan to disseminate this electronic source of FP-SRH information.”
Mr. SM Shaikat, Executive Director of SERAC-Bangladesh said, “SERAC-Bangladesh has been working to ensure youth family planning and SRH for a decade and we are receiving good acceptance and cooperation from DGFP in our initiations. This GO-CSO collaboration will carry forward the quality services for mass people which is our main objective. I firmly believe, the SBCC materials will accelerate the method of FP knowledge generation broadly.” Then he handed over the contents to the Director General and the Director of IEM and MCH unit of the Directorate General of Family Planning through a token of appreciation.
SERAC-Bangladesh has implemented the project during June 2023 to April 2024, supported by USAID, with the collaboration of the Directorate General of Family Planning and the technical assistance of Johns Hopkins University. Through the development of audiovisual tools integrated with adolescent-friendly health service information in local dialect, the project aims to encourage adolescents to access reproductive health information, create awareness, facilitate access to accurate information, and encourage them to seek services at adolescents friendly health service centers.