Social Media Content Development Workshop

SERAC-Bangladesh with support of Ipas Bangladesh has developed social media handles of Improving SRHR in Dhaka project that includes Facebook page, Instagram Page, and Youtube Channel. A social media guideline has been developed to create appropriate contents and run these handles properly. There have been 15 workshops organized till April 2024 by engaging project staff, partners, volunteers, and experts. 

In every workshop, volunteers from different community action groups (CAGs) have joined and shared their valuable opinions while developing content on sexual and reproductive health and sexual and gender-based violence. The social media handles are mostly targeted towards adolescent and young people audiences. Biweekly quizzes are posted to ensure that the audience has received the information properly. Total 23 quizzes have been posted till May 2024. 3 winners are selected from each quiz, and they receive project souvenirs as a gift of winning. The project is technically supported by Ipas Bangladesh and funded by Global Affairs Canada via HealthBridge Foundation of Canada.

#SERAC_Bangladesh #ISRHRD #IpasBangladesh #GAC #HealthBridge

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