VCAT Workshop (Training of Trainers)


Understanding the values and transforming the attitudes positively is important for working in the community. SERAC-Bangladesh’s team of Improving SRHR in Dhaka project successfully completed Training of Trainers on Value Clarification and Attitude Transformation (VCAT), along with other partners including BAPSA, RHSTEP and OGSB. This training was organized by Ipas Bangladesh on 22nd – 24th February, 2022. 

The aim of the training was to identify the values that inform their current beliefs and attitudes about MR and be able to describe alternative values and their consequences; distinguish between assumptions, myths and realities surrounding unwanted pregnancy and MR and the women and families who experience them; to choose and affirm values that inform their attitudes and beliefs toward the provision of comprehensive abortion care; explain and apply the fundamental principles of adult learning and training; describe characteristics of an effective VCAT facilitator; evaluate their current facilitation skills and identify areas for improvement; describe and demonstrate effective VCAT communication and facilitation and demonstrate effective ways to handle challenging participants and situations in VCAT training 

#SERAC_Bangladesh #Ipas #ISRHRD


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