World Environment Day 2015 Observed


The WED theme this year is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.” The well-being of humanity, the environment, and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend upon the responsible management of the planet?s natural resources. And yet, evidence is building that people are consuming far more natural resources than what the planet can sustainably provide.

Many of the Earth?s ecosystems are nearing critical tipping points of depletion or irreversible change, pushed by high population growth and economic development. By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain the same and with a rising population expected to reach 9.6 billion, we will need three planets to sustain our ways of living and consumption.

Consuming with care means living within planetary boundaries to ensure a healthy future where our dreams can be realized. Human prosperity need not cost the earth. Living sustainably is about doing more and better with less. It is about knowing that rising rates of natural resource use and the environmental impacts that occur are not a necessary by-product of economic growth.

So, SERAC-Bangladesh joined Bangladesh government actions in campaigning on World Environment Day 2015. SERAC-Bangladesh’s Project Officer Barkatullah Bhuyan led a large delegation to the WED rally held in Mymensingh on June 5, 2015. He spoke about importance about youth engagements and effective actions in collaboration with the government to fight challenges on climate change and environment. Special guests and speakers include Deputy Secretary Nurul Alam, Mayor of Mymensingh Ekramul Haque Titu and government officials.

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